Afanche3D CL for PC for $80
Afanche3D CL supports more 3D formats compared to standard version. Besides all the 3D formats supported by standard version Afanche3D ST, it provides additional cloud based support for many CAD native formats including Unigraphics NX, Creo(ProE, Autodesk Inventor, CADKey, ACIS SAT/SAB, SolidEdge and Solidworks. Please click here to download free trial.
Main features include:
- Open many popular 3D formats including Unigraphics NX, Creo(ProE, Autodesk Inventor, CADKey, ACIS SAT/SAB, SolidEdge, STL, IGES (.igs/.iges), STEP (.stp/.step), JT, 3MF, SKP (SketchUp), SCDOC (SpaceClaim), X_T / X_B (Parasolid), Solidworks( .sldprt, up to version 2014), PLY, OBJ, 3DS, DAE (Collada), DXF (Autodesk), DWF, FBX, IFC, Blend (Blender), VRML, LWO, AMF, SHP (ESRI), ESRI Grid data, TER, SMD, Q3D, Q3S, MDL, MD2, MD3, MD5Mesh, CSM, ASE, B3D, OFF, AC, MS3D, NFF, RAW, ASC, CSV, PCD, XYZ, LiDAR (.las/.laz), NAS, MESH, UNV, APT, G-Code (CNC) and many others;
- View models in 3D. Spin, pan, zoom in/out with perspective or orthographic projection;
- Support texture uv mapping;
- Measure distance, location, volume, mass center, area, length, radius, angle, thickness, boundary and many more;
- Open multiple files in the same window, very useful for assembly viewing or model comparison;
- Turn individual parts on and off to better view the model;
- Support 3D notes and 3D dimensions for better presentation and communication;
- Support comment and asset management for better collaboration and record keeping;
- Scale, translate, mirror, rotate individual 3D part;
- Slice 3D model at any given position, very useful for 3D model repair and modification;
- Mesh boolean operation support, including union, subtraction and intersection;
- Build 3D model from scratch with handy tools for model creation and modification;
- Repair 3D triangle mesh data with features including mesh normal flipping, mesh smoothing, mesh simplification, closing mesh holes and many others;
- Provide many useful features for 3D printing, including: check 3D model against build volume of 3D printer, fit 3D model with build volume, and many others;
- Strong support for 3D scanned point cloud data processing, including: triangulation, down sampling, outliers removal, segmentation and many others;
- Export 3D model in STL, DAE, DXF, 3DS, OBJ, VRML, PLY, OFF, 3D HTML and ATD format, very useful for 3D format conversion;
- Export 3D rendering image in JPEG format;
- Support direct printing of 3D rendering;
- Support Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP
If you need a 3D viewer for a platform other than Windows PC, please click the PRODUCTS menu on the top of the page. Afanche Technologies offers 3D visualization tools on all popular platforms, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Windows Phone.