Tutorial: Measure 3D model with Afanche3D
Afanche3D provides many useful and easy to use features for 3D measurement, including get xyz location of a point, distance between two selected points, radius of a circle or arc, radius of a sphere surface, distance between two parallel faces or lines, angle between faces or lines, thickness, surface area, volume and others.
What is the easiest way to get 3D measurement?
The easiest way is to use automatic dimension features. Afanche3D offers two automatic dimension features. One is called "Basic Dimensions" which shows the overall size of the selected 3D model, including length, width and height. To use it, select a 3D part first, then click "Measure" menu, select "Basic Dimensions". The following picture shows a example of this measurement.
Another one is called "Automatic Dimensions" which shows feature based dimensions, for instance, hole radius, hole depth.
What type of 3D data is supported for measurement?
Afanche3D supports measurement for all 3D data types, including solid, surface, wireframe (lines) and points. The following picture shows 3D measurement for a 3D solid model
The following picture shows 3D measurement for points model
How to measure face area?
If you want to know overall surface area of a 3D model, just select the part first, then click "Measure" menu, select "Properties", then select "Total Surface Area" menu. The total surface area of the model will be shown in a pop-up dialog.
If you want to know the area of a face, click "Measure" menu, select "More Measurements", then select "Area of surface selected by 1 point" menu. After that, just click on the face you want to measure. Afanche3D will draw blue lines on top of the face to indicate the selected face and show the area in the pop-up dialog. The following picture shows a example of the measurement.
How to measure distance between holes?
In order to measure distance between two holes accurately, first we need to enable some measurement aids. Go to "Analysis" menu, select "Create Feature Measurement Aids". This will display the central axis of the holes. The following pictures show before and after the operation.
After that, go to "Measure" menu, select "Distance btw two parallel planes or lines by 2 points", then select a point on the axis of the two holes, and accurate distance will be shown in 3D canvas
How to save dimensions?
The measurement features don't keep the dimensions after the operation is finished. If you want to keep the dimensions, you can use "Distance dimension by 2 points" feature under "Model" menu and "Add Annotation" submenu.
How do I change unit for measurement?
Go to "Tools" menu, select "Options", in the "General" tab of the pop-up dialog, change "System Length Unit" to the unit you prefer.
Why the measurement result doesn't look right?
The most common reason is the file you are viewing has a different unit from the system default. You need to reload the file with correct unit. You can change the file loading unit in the app configuration dialog. Go to "Tools" menu, select "Options", in the "General" tab of the pop-up dialog, change "Default File Importing Length Unit" to the unit the data file actually uses.