Use Afanche3D to visualize 2D CNC Lathe G-Code
Afanche3D supports 2D CNC lathe G-Code visualization. In order to view Lathe G Code properly, you need config the application first. Just go to the "Tools" menu, click "Options". Click "CNC" tab of the popped up dialog, and change the "CNC System Type" to "Lathe". It should look like the following picture:
Then, click "Display" tab of the dialog, change "System Default View" to "Z (Horizontal) - X (Vertical)", change "View Spinning Mode" to "Disabled". After the change, the tab should look like the following picture:
That's all you need to do in order to view Lathe G-Code. Afanche3D displays rapid moves (G0) in red color, cutting moves in green color. Here is a sample G-Code file:
Here is another sample G-Code file:
You can pan or zoom in/out the graphics by dragging mouse buttons. Here is zoomed in version of the above G-Code file: